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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018

Analytical Exposition Text | group

🐥 hello guys 🐥 last week me, Helena, Nadira, and Fathia made an analytical exposition text. and the topic is live without plastic bottles. so, this is our works

Analytical Exposition Text

🌸 hello again everyone 🌸 so today, I've made an analytical exposition text about the benefit of listening music I made this text to complete my English assignment so, check it out! The Benefit of Listening Music If you love listening to music, you're in good company. There are a lot of benefit if you listening music based on scientists research, such as lower stress and improves health, helps you eat less, keep you brain healthy in old age, and makes you happy. Listening music will lower your stress and improves health. Stress causes 60% of all our illnesses, but when we listen to the music, it decreases level of stress hormone in our body. There are study showed that if people actively participated on making music, their immune system will boosted. There are some research about music help you eat less. The research showed that softening the lights and play a music while eat makes you enjoy your meals more and then you will consume less calories. Besi