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Interview with The Wright Brothers

In 1905, there was a TV talkshow that interview great inventors at that time. One night, there was an interview with The Wright Brothers.The host from that TV talkshow was greeting and told the audiences about very spesial guests, they're Orville and Wilbur Wright. The host wanted to know about their revolutionary inventions, then the host asked what their invention. Orville replied that they invented airplane. After that, the host asked the tool from that. Wilbur said that the tool is helped human to fly.

The host asked where did they get the inspiration. Then Orville explained that they got the inspiration by helicopter toy from their dad that flew with the help of rubber bands. Wilbur added that Orville always liket to build kites so they have experimented with making their own helicopter.

The host still curious because that was only toy, so he asked about the actual plane. Wilbur answered that Orville made the first flight with their first plane at Kitty Hawk on December 14th, 1903. The host asked why they choose Kitty Hawk. Orville explained that Kitty Hawk had a hill, good breeze, and was sandy, so it would help soften the landings in case of a crashed, and he told the first flight lasted 12 seconds and they flew for 120 feet.

Then Wilbur added that they've worked and experimented with gliders to perfect the wing design and control. The host asked about their newest version airplane. Wilbur agreed and told thet he took a newly designed airplane called the Flyer II for first flight lasting over 5 minutes.

The host amazed then thought their invention will be a big thing soon. Wilbur said that their dad asked they not to fly together for the safety reason. Orville agreed and said that they will continue made experiment to made airplane available for everyone. The host wished a good luck for their next experiment.


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